Pada September 2023, saya telah disahkan dengan penyakit Cellulitis pada bahagian atas kaki kanan dan berisiko untuk kehilangan kaki saya.

Pada Oktober 2023, saya mula mengambil King Gamat Walit Plus setelah diperkenalkan kepada saya. Luka mula sembuh mendadak hampir 60% awal daripada jangkaan pihak hospital. Kini, kaki saya telah pulih sepenuhnya.

Wan Rashdi Hj Wan Ibrahim

59 Years Old

18 Sep 2023

21 Sep 2023

13 Nov 2023

24 Dec 2023

28 Apr 2024

Breaking Through with Hope

Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder for 26 years, since 1998 at the age of 47, he was unable to speak at all, had difficulty responding, and suffered from memory issues. After consuming two boxes of King Gamat Walit Plus starting in March 2024, a miracle occurred, surprising his wife, family and friends. He is now cheerful and able to fully communicate.

Harun bin Baba

73 Years Old

After using 2 boxes of King Gamat Walit Plus, my mental state improved.

I was shocked at the change in him. He does not need to take meds anymore.





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